3 Unnecessary Annual Expenses That Cost More Than LASIK

Reflections are natural around this time of year. In December, we reflect on our loved ones, our careers, our goals, and of course, the amount of money we spent over the past year. It’s no surprise considering “spend less” is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But there’s also another resolution hidden in that very popular one: spend better. After reflecting on the year’s purchases, which is easy with end-of-year credit card statements, we are often stunned by how small, frivolous purchases accumulated to be worth a trip, a home improvement, or a mortgage payment.
If you wear glasses or contacts, getting LASIK may be something you’ve been considering for a long time. There may be many reasons why you’re putting the procedure off like fear or lack of information, which are all concerns you can discuss with your eye doctor. But if it’s money, you may be surprised to learn that you actually can afford LASIK.
Depending on the doctor you choose, LASIK can be anywhere between $299 to $4000 per eye depending on geography, insurance, and other factors. The average price of LASIK in 2013 was $2,500. If you reduce or eliminate a few of these annual expenditures, you can easily find the money you need for LASIK.
Reduce Your Existing Debt
The average American household pays $6,658 in interest each year. That’s a large amount of money to be spending on money that does not a) buy you anything and b) does not reduce your debt.
While this may sound like an irritating piece of advice (“If I could afford to pay off my debt, don’t you think I’d have done it by now?”) you’d be surprised at how few Americans pay more than their minimum payment. Adding a little money to your monthly payment each month by cutting back in other areas of your life can help reduce the amount of money you throw away on interest each year.
Consider Taking Public Transportation
We love our wheels. So much so that we’re dropping over $500 a month to pay our auto loans. Ouch! In a year, that’s over $6,000.
Depending on where you live and work, a car may be non-negotiable. But if you live in a city with decent public transportation, it can be an enormous pay off to stomach the crowds and pile onto a bus to get to work instead. Saving $6,000 will give you enough money to get LASIK and change. And unlike glasses and contacts, you won’t have to spend on a LASIK procedure every year, so you can go back to spending on a car after the procedure if you wish. Sounds like a pretty sweet arrangement.
Make a Sandwich and Ditch The $10 Salads
Everyone knows the most basic personal finance wisdom: eat food from home! Make your own coffee and pack your own lunch. Despite our best intentions, we brush that advice aside and convince ourselves we’ll do better tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that, because we’re just too busy.
But are you busy enough to justify eating $2,746 worth of takeaway lunches each year? Bet that number made you do a double-take. That’s how much money Americans spend each year buying lunch. Just lunch. Imagine what that number would look like if we threw in cocktail hour and weekend brunches. If LASIK is something you’ve been considering, here’s an easy way to put some money towards a savings account dedicated to the procedure.
If LASIK is something you’ve been dreaming about, what are you waiting for? Our Inland Eye ophthalmologists are eager to explain the benefits of LASIK, answer any nagging questions you may have, and explore payment options with you. Call us up to book a free consultation or drop by our Murrieta or Temecula locations to learn more about LASIK today.