Eye Care 101: 3 Retinal Tear Causes

Retinal detachment is a medical condition within the eye. It is not something you want to encounter, however, it is treatable especially if detected in time. This medical emergency condition happens when the thin responder tissue – the retina – situated at the back of the eye that pulls away from its normal position, as it begins to collapse.
Retinal detachment is the condition that separates the retinal cells from the layer of blood vessels that provide oxygen and nourishment to the eye. WIthout professional treatment retinal tear causes the risk of permanent loss of vision in the affected eye.
No Time to Waste
It is extremely important that a retinal tear gets treated in time. The sudden appearance of floaters, flashes, or reduced vision is all possible early warning signs of the onset of retinal detachment. Contacting your eye specialist/ophthalmologist right away can help save your vision.
Tear Causes and Occurrence
There are many retinal tear causes which include but are not limited to:
1. Diabetes, especially if it’s advanced
2. Eye injury
3. Sagging vitreous
Aging or retinal disorders can cause the retina to thin. Retinal detachment due to a tear in the retina typically develops when the vitreous collapses and tugs on the retina with enough influence to cause a tear.
Because retinal detachment is gradual and painless, early warning signs always appear before detachment occurs. Retinal tear causes:
– Blurred vision
– A gray shadow affecting your vision
– Gradual reduction of peripheral vision
– Sudden flashes of light in one or both eyes, similar to flash photography
– Floaters in the field of vision – minute specks that seem to float across the eye
Sometimes retinal tear causes can be linked to a person’s history. There are a few early warning signs to keep in mind that could be risk factors associated with this condition. These include myopia or nearsightedness, current or precious eye diseases, and previous retinal detachment in one eye.
Warning! – Observations of Retinal Tear Causes
Following a lens replacement surgery due to a cataract or other ailments, your ophthalmologist may warn you about the risks associated with the treatment. This includes a low risk of retinal detachment. Some signs to watch for included sporadic flashes, and potential field vision problems. Blurring vision might also indicate retinal detachment in progress.
Watch for Causes – Heed the Warnings!
If you are experiencing a cataract make sure you schedule regular appointments with your doctor. There is a higher risk retinal detachment if ignored. Retinal tear causes many different symptoms that can be unpleasant and gradual. In addition, you will cause permanent damage to your eye if you ignore any of these symptoms. An emergency eye surgery will be the only way to mend the damage.
Retinal Tear Can Result in Blindness
We have to reiterate this warning, but you should seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of a retinal detachment. If you do not the end result could be blindness. You should definitely seek the care of a doctor if you are over 50 years old or if anyone in your family has ever experienced a retinal detachment or tear. Get in touch with your trusted eye doctor to receive proper retinal care that will preserve your overall health.