Contact Lenses
6 Myopia Treatment Options That Will Improve Your Vision

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness is a refractive error which causes vision to blur when attempting to focus on far away objects. Myopia occurs when the shape of the eyeball is too long, or the cornea is too curved, affecting the focus of the lens and cornea of the eye. This, in turn, causes light… Read More
Everything you Need to Know About Implantable Contacts (ICL)

You have high myopia (short-sightedness), and you finally decided to schedule an appointment to learn more about LASIK. Unfortunately, you are not a good candidate. Is there another option? Is it safe? Implantable contacts might be your solution. You might not find this term familiar, as most people learn more about it when LASIK is… Read More
2 Eye Care Remedies Throughout History That Were Scarier Than LASIK

Vision problems have plagued humans throughout history, so naturally humans have been curious to find ways to remedy these issues. Today, LASIK is considered a convenient and safe alternative to glasses or contacts, but there is a disproportionate amount of fear that surrounds the procedure. LASIK can be performed within an hour at an ophthalmologist’s office,… Read More
LASIK Or Contact Lenses: Which Is Best For Me?

As LASIK reaches new levels of popularity, people of all ages are ditching their prescription contact lenses for laser vision correction. Here at Inland Eye, we see hundreds of patients wishing that there was a better solution to their blurry vision. While LASIK surgery is extremely safe and effective, there are some people who are better off… Read More