How To Know If PRK Is Right For You

Laser eye surgery has been around for over twenty years now. Most people are familiar with the word “LASIK,” but another great vision solution is PRK or Photorefractive Keratectomy. PRK is a kind of laser eye surgery which can work to correct conditions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Like other laser surgeries, it works by… Read More
Eyecare Q & A — Can You Get Cataract Surgery After LASIK?

The eye is the most important sensory organ, and any problem with the eyesight can directly hamper an individual’s independence. Many factors affect the eyesight; however, vision deterioration with age is the most common. According to the World Health Organization, around 80% of the vision loss across the globe can be prevented or treated, and… Read More
Does My Eye Prescription Qualify for LASIK?

What is LASIK surgery? LASIK means Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. LASIK surgery is a quick, simple surgical procedure which can correct several of the vision problems people experience every day. Vision issues like myopia also know as near-sightedness, hyperopia or far-sightedness, presbyopia the loss of near vision due to age, and different types of astigmatism… Read More
Corrective Eye Surgery for Astigmatism: Pros and Cons

Astigmatism, despite the scary-sounding name, is a common vision problem in which the shape of the cornea is irregular or asymmetrical. Mild astigmatism is quite common and does not result in vision problems. When accompanied by a refractive error such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, it causes problems in sight like blurred vision, watering of eyes… Read More
Implantable Contact Lens – Pros and Cons

Implantable contact lens (ICL) are contact lenses alternatives used for correcting the vision, but unlike traditional contact lenses, these are positioned such that they remain in the eye for a much longer duration of time. While the regular external contacts lenses are placed on the surface of the eye, implantable lenses are surgically placed inside… Read More
What is EVO ICL Surgery?

Superlative Contact Lens Alternatives Today, over 40 % of the global population suffers from myopia or near-sightedness. Many people suffer from consistent decreases in vision quality, demanding a frequent change of glasses. Medically, there have been a variety of innovative technologies and procedures that help in attaining visual clarity and freedom from cumbersome glasses. People opt… Read More
What is an Optometrist?

If you have been trying to look for an eye specialist for a regular eye check-up or any other eye problem, you may have discovered there are a wide array of different types of eye care professionals. More specifically, you may have come across the word optometrist and are now wondering what is an optometrist…. Read More
Optometrist vs Ophthalmologist – What’s the Difference

Our vision is one of our most important sources of perception. 80% of our perception comes from our eyes. Needless to say, a regular eye-checkup is an important component of eye care. Optometrists and Ophthalmologists both play an important role in providing eye-care services. However, they are differently qualified and help with different aspects of… Read More
Everything you Need to Know About Implantable Contacts (ICL)

You have high myopia (short-sightedness), and you finally decided to schedule an appointment to learn more about LASIK. Unfortunately, you are not a good candidate. Is there another option? Is it safe? Implantable contacts might be your solution. You might not find this term familiar, as most people learn more about it when LASIK is… Read More
Everything you Need to Know About Bladeless LASIK

Are you tired of carrying your spectacles everywhere? Do you hate wearing lenses? Are you contemplating LASIK? Bladeless LASIK is an accurate, practical, and super safe procedure that can provide you with 20/20 vision with little to no downtime at all. Here we discuss everything to need to know when considering this type of vision… Read More