How LASIK Helps Athletes Bring Their A Game

Kids and adults alike admire athletes. Brands bring them on board to push products, and schools and companies pay big bucks to books Olympians and world champions to come speak at their events and pump people up. Why? It’s because winning the gold or scoring a championship requires a lot of work, dedication, discipline, and… Read More
3 Adventurous Activities That Are Easier After LASIK

LASIK can do wonders for your quality of life and adventurous spirit. After getting LASIK eye surgery, you can more comfortably participate in everyday activities like swimming, going to the beach, or taking a hike. Worrying about breaking your glasses or getting something behind your contacts is no longer a concern. But have you ever… Read More
3 Times LASIK Surgery Was Featured On Reality TV

Reality TV has quickly usurped the soap opera as the TV indulgence everyone criticizes, but all of us enjoy. Viewers are savvy enough to know that much of what occurs on reality television is either scripted or staged. Even so, reality TV affords us a glimpse into the lives of celebrities and prominent individuals. While… Read More
2 Eye Care Remedies Throughout History That Were Scarier Than LASIK

Vision problems have plagued humans throughout history, so naturally humans have been curious to find ways to remedy these issues. Today, LASIK is considered a convenient and safe alternative to glasses or contacts, but there is a disproportionate amount of fear that surrounds the procedure. LASIK can be performed within an hour at an ophthalmologist’s office,… Read More
5 Frequently Asked Questions About LASIK

LASIK is a straightforward procedure. That being said, it is important to educate yourself and familiarize yourself with the details of the surgery. While most people are familiar with what the end result of LASIK is (clear vision), many people are uncertain about what happens in between deciding to get LASIK and walking out of the doctor’s… Read More
3 Audiobooks To Keep You Entertained During Your LASIK Recovery

LASIK recovery does not take an exceptionally long time. In fact, your eyes start healing immediately after the procedure. Of course, people who undergo LASIK surgery are advised to take it easy in the days and weeks following LASIK including limiting the strain on their eyes and avoiding any activities that may cause an injury to the… Read More
A Brief Overview Of LASIK

Despite many patients who express satisfaction with LASIK – including several celebrities – there are still a large number of people who are doubtful about the surgery. It’s understandable. A surgical procedure involving one of our most precious organs is bound to leave people terrified. In these cases, a brief overview of some of the most common… Read More
4 Ways Undergoing LASIK Surgery Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

The biggest benefit of LASIK is its corrective effect on your vision, but glasses and contacts have the same result. What LASIK does not do is inconvenience your day to day life with specific hassles like finding a safe place to keep your glasses while engaging in physical activity or being unable to enjoy a beach trip… Read More
Are Athletes Unsuitable Candidates For LASIK?

LASIK can be a convenient option for people who are tired of glasses or contacts. It can also be enormously beneficial for those who engage in activities that make glasses and contacts not only inconvenient but impractical as well. Glasses are not suitable for aggressive contact sports like hockey or football, and contacts can be uncomfortable especially… Read More
5 Ways You Can Prepare Yourself For LASIK

LASIK is a routine procedure that takes approximately fifteen minutes to complete per eye. In total, Inland Eye patients can expect to spend an hour to an hour and a half in the clinic when they come in for their LASIK procedure. Although the surgery is straightforward, preventing complications and infections ultimately comes down to… Read More