Bad Habits That Cause Cataracts

There is a myth that age is the only thing that causes cataracts – that people get them as they age, and there is nothing they can do about it. While that can certainly be the case, some habits actually increase the likelihood of developing cataracts. Stamp out these bad habits so you will be… Read More
4 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of LASIK Surgery

Many people are curious about LASIK and love the idea of being free from their glasses or contacts. However, many people are still hesitant to have the procedure themselves out of fear or uncertainty. This is completely normal but it is also unnecessary as LASIK is a safe procedure that has helped millions of people…. Read More
What You Should Expect Before, During, And After LASIK

If you are considering LASIK eye surgery it can be an exciting and nerve-wracking decision. Many people have fears surrounding LASIK, some rational and some irrational. There is no way to truly know what LASIK is like until you have had the surgery yourself. And the truth is the experience differs to a certain extent… Read More
5 Unexpected Benefits Of LASIK

LASIK inspires equal parts excitement and fear in most people. They understand the benefits of LASIK and know it will improve their lifestyle but the idea of someone performing surgery on their eyes elicits a lot of fear. What many people overlook are the more subtle benefits of LASIK eye surgery. These lesser known benefits… Read More
The Different Kinds Of Vision Correction Offered By LASIK

As Americans receive more information about the ease and safety of laser eye surgery, vision correction procedures like LASIK have become more and more popular. While LASIK is still considered an elective procedure by most insurance providers, new plans that offer deals and discounts for vision correction surgery have started to pop up. Refractive errors are caused… Read More
What Causes Refractive Errors?

When your cornea is shaped irregularly, your eye cannot focus light properly resulting in unclear vision. People across the country suffer from refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness, which is the most widely experienced refractive error) or hyperopia (farsightedness). Astigmatism causes a blurry vision as a result of irregular shaped corneas. Hyperopia causes difficulties seeing objects… Read More
5 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About LASIK

LASIK inspires both excitement and fear in prospective patients. Some people flat out refuse while others are only too eager to get the surgery to be rid of glasses and contacts. Then there are those who fall somewhere in the middle. They are pretty much convinced due to friends and testimonials that LASIK is safe, but they… Read More
Can I Get LASIK After Cataract Surgery?

For many people, glasses and contacts work just fine. Why mess with a good thing by getting LASIK? Yet by the time they get older and cataracts are detected, surgery is the only viable option. So they may start to wonder, “If I have to get eye surgery anyway, should I just go ahead and… Read More
The Pros And Cons Of LASIK Eye Surgery

The benefits of LASIK eye surgery have been widely promoted by celebrities, ophthalmologists, and everyday people who have corrected their vision with the procedure. Nevertheless, there are still factors that give prospective patients pause. It’s completely natural – not to mention, smart – to have questions. To guide you while seeking information on LASIK, we have rounded… Read More
3 Unnecessary Annual Expenses That Cost More Than LASIK

Reflections are natural around this time of year. In December, we reflect on our loved ones, our careers, our goals, and of course, the amount of money we spent over the past year. It’s no surprise considering “spend less” is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But there’s also another resolution hidden in that very… Read More